
This is the actual acknowledgements from my book Thoughts of a Fractured Soul:

I am merely an observer. The tale I covey is simply a collection of these observations translated through my mind and onto the coming pages.

For this, there are many people that deserve to be acknowledged as part of my journey. First, to you Mrs. Selvaggi, who in 11thgrade put “The Alchemist” in my hands with a hand written note in part saying that you have complete faith that I would one day “be lifted above the crowds.” I keep that book with your words as one of my treasures.

To my older brother Kerry for reading the first ever chapter that I wrote and telling me that “it sounds like a story.” That motivated me to continue writing more than you know.

The next thank you is for Dr. Simpson. How can I put into words my gratitude for reading 181 pages of my first draft at the end of a semester, and for including comments on almost every page. Remembering that copy, I think of how excruciating that must have been for you. But you went even further and sat me down in your office to tell me that you believe in me. You were my first critic and helped me move passed my fear of making my work public.

To you, mother, for being a constant source of support even as six years went by before I finally held that manuscript in my hand. You put faith in front of your personal logic and trusted in my gift as a writer.

The final thank you has to go to Kevin Crouch. It took seeing only a few words of my manuscript for you to financially back my journey. You are my first fan and your investment in my ambition to be the greatest writer of this generation is felt through our conversations. You did what most wouldn't do, and for that I am eternally grateful.

"Thoughts of a Fractured Soul" is available now in print or e-book format at



